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Brandenburg has space – Federal State Reception Programme for Refugees NOW!:
We urge the state government to finally take responsibility and initiate a federal state reception program for the immediate evacuation of at least 2,000 people in need of special protection from the EU slum camps on the Greek islands.
The conditions at the external borders, which are contrary to human rights, are politically desired and part of the deterrence and foreclosure strategy of the European Union. Despite the great willingness of numerous municipalities to help and take in refugees and more and more „safe harbors“, the Federal Ministry of the Interior is blocking the admission of particularly vulnerable persons.
Those waiting for the green light from Horst Seehofer are waiting in vain and are participating in a failure to provide assistance. Decisive action at the state level is now urgently needed. The federal states have the right to take in particularly vulnerable persons from the camps on the Greek islands due to the sovereignty enshrined in the Basic Law. Several legal opinions on this have already been published. (see below)
Therefore, we call on the Brandenburg state government to immediately start a federal state reception program for the reception of at least 2000 refugee unaccompanied minors and other persons in acute need of protection. In Berlin and Thuringia there are corresponding resolutions and the state of Berlin is currently suing the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
We demand such a commitment also for Brandenburg!
There has been a lot of promises but words do not save lives. Action must be taken now.
Evacuate the people from the Greek refugee camps!
Country admission program NOW!
#LeaveNoOneBehind #BRBhatPlatz
Expert Opinion:
- Expert opinion by Helene Heuser, lawyer at the University of Hamburg, on the admissibility of the admission of protection seekers by the federal states from EU member states: https://www.jura.uni-hamburg.de/lehrprojekte/law-clinics/refugee-law-clinic/forschungsprojekt-staedte-der-zuflucht/gutachten-landesaufnahme.pdf
- According to an expert opinion commissioned by the Green Party, the German states could take in refugees from the Greek islands: https://www.rnd.de/politik/fluchtlinge-in-griechenland-bundeslander-durfen-menschen-aufnehmen-OJGPU4CGJBEZBL5H4ETFXNHNGM.html
- Dr. Wolfram Hertel/ Dr. Ulrich Karpenstein, Berlin: Humanitäre Landesaufnahme und der Bund- zur Reichweite des „Einvernehmens“ des Bundesinnenministeriums gemäß §23 I des Aufenthaltsgesetzes: https://www.zar.nomos.de/fileadmin/zar/doc/Aufsatz_ZAR_15_11-12.pdf